2025-01-06 08:00 3次- 发布企业
- 广州沙格医疗科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:广州沙格医疗科技有限公司组织机构代码:91440106MABYT439XR
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- 欧盟授权代表 欧代 德国欧代 英国欧代 荷兰欧代
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- 广州市天河区天河南街天河北路30号中904室(注册地址)
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- 13760748565
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If it needs any expenditure by the competent authority,only after getting Party A’s approval, then Party A can take on thepayment. If Party A’s products register fails by Party B’s reason,according to EU relevant laws Party B will be given a warning,penalty and even the qualification of the European Representativewill be revoked.
2.1 Party B shall reservetechnical files of each category of Party A's products with CEmark, and take up the responsibility of keeping, confidentialityand submission. The technical files shall be reserved at least 5years after the last batch product’s manufacturing. Once competentauthority needs the technical files (including new editiontechnical files which had already registered) of each category ofPart A’s products with CE mark. Party B should send them tocompetent authority within ten working days.
2.2 Party B would not beresponsible for the file content. All the documents, such as saleslist and complain records are deemed confidential information;Party B have the obligation to send them to competent authority ifnecessary. Part B should maintain and keep them secret.
2.3 Party B permits PartyA to use part B’s name and address for the purpose ofinclusion/printing on all packaging, labeling and instruction foruse, of products that carry CE Marking and that have beenrepresented by Party B.
2.4 Party B shall keepfollowing files of party A’s products with CE mark at the disposalof the national authorities, at least five years after the lastbatch product’s manufacturing. Minimum documents are:
1) Declaration of conformity,
2) Copy of the label, packaging and instructions for use(in all languages requested by the countries where the device ismarketed),
3) Notified Body certificate (where relevant),
4) Post market surveillance process and data, vigilancereports and complaints, processes and data,
5) Technical documentation relevant to market surveillanceinvestigation being undertaken by the Member State,
6) Relevant clinical data / notification,
7) Details of any distributors / suppliers putting the CEmarked devices on the market,
8) Incident reports and corrective actionstaken.
2.5 Party B must keepParty A informed in all matters that may be connected to thedevices placed on the market in the EU. At the minimum, theexchange of information concerning following shall becovered.
“Where a Member State ascertains that a medical devices,when correctly installed, maintained and used for their intendedpurpose may compromise the health and/or safety of patients, usersor, where applicable, other persons, or the safety of property, itshall take all appropriate interim measures to withdraw suchdevices from the market or prohibit or restrict their being placedon the market or put into service.”
If the relevant Competent Authority contacts the Party Babout its interim measures to withdraw Party A’s device(s) from themarket or prohibit or restrict their being placed on the market orput into service, Party B should immediately communicate suchmeasures to Party A and advise Party A as to the implications ofthis decision.
When the Commission finds that national measures takenunder the Safeguard Clause “are unjustified, it shall immediatelyso inform the Member State which took the measures and themanufacturer or his authorized representative”.
If the relevant Competent Authority contacts Party B,Party B should immediately communicate such information to Party Aand advise Party A as to the implications of thisdecision.
If the relevant Competent Authority contacts Party B aboutits assessment outcome of an incident of Party A’s medical device,Party B should immediately communicate such information to themanufacturer and advise Party A as to the implications of thisdecision.
Party B shall notify any information about the productswith CE mark within boundary of E.U. to Party A, including anyclaims of customers and the competition company that produce thesame CE marked products.
2.6.3If any accident/ near accident of products (CE markedproducts, premarket clinical investigation products and performanceevaluation products) happens within boundary of E.U., Party B shallnotify Party A within 3 working days after receiving the claims ofcustomers and feedback about the product, and execute vigilancesystem of medical device products under the assisting of Party A,and also make initial report, investigation result and final reportto competent authority of country in which the accidenthappens.
2.6 Party B shall assistParty A to comprehending the condition of the same products withinboundary of E.U, and send the related information to Party A intime.
2.7 Upon receiving thenotice about the intention to carry out a clinical investigationfor MDD or AIMDD, and the intention to carry out a performanceevaluation for IVDD in EU, Party B shall notify communicate theinformation on the manufacturer and on the device to the CompetentAuthorities of the Member State in which he has his registeredplace of business. If any serious adverse events during clinicalinvestigation, i.e. in the premarket phase, Party B Shall fullyrecord and immediately notify to all Competent Authorities of theMember States in which the clinical investigation is beingperformed.
2.8 Party B shall appointone or two persons as the primacy linkman whose responsibility isto connect with Party A and deal with the normal daily grindaccording to this agreement. The information of both Parties’linkman was written in appendixC.
成立日期 | 2018年09月13日 | ||
法定代表人 | 罗宁刚 | ||
注册资本 | 200万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 欧盟CE认证 美国FDA注册 英国UKCA,欧盟自由销售证, 沙特注册,加拿大注册 | ||
经营范围 | 技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;认证咨询;医学研究和试验发展;工程和技术研究和试验发展;生物基材料技术研发;信息技术咨询服务;;检验检测服务; | ||
公司简介 | SUNGOMDR是美国的专门从事法规技术服务的集团公司,在英国注册为SUNGOGROUPCOMPNAYLIMITED,在中国注册为上海沙格企业管理咨询有限公司。SUNGO集团凭借全球网络和队伍为全球客户提供法规性服务,在医疗器械行业尤为专长。我司美国FDA注册(510K)和美国代理人服务、欧盟CE和欧盟代表服务,英国MHRA注册、BRC认证、防护服type5/6认证、口罩NELNSON认证(EN1 ... |
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