Teflon PFA 451HP 美国科慕PFA材料
标有PFA 451HP和PFA 451HP X的产品是等效的,本文档中的所有信息均适用于这两种产品。
Teflon® PFA451HP
DuPont Fluoropolymers
For inventory control purposes product name may be followed byan X.
Products labeled PFA 451HP and PFA 451HP X are equivalent and allinformation in this document is applicable to both.
Typical Application
Teflon ® PFA 451HP is preferred in applications where purity in theparts-per-billion range, surface smoothness, and the highest levelsof chemical permeation resistance are required; including tubing,unsupported pipe linings for the production of ultra-purechemicals, semiconductor components, and fluid handling componentsfor high-performance chemical delivery systems where stress-crackresistance is critical.
DuPont™ Teflon ® PFA 451HP is a special purpose fluoroplastic resinavailable in pellet form. This resin is a chemically modified formof Teflon ® PFA 350 that combines many of the advantages of theparent resin with several additional benefits. Teflon ® PFA 451HPexhibits improved surface smoothness achieved through minimizationof spherulite size, enhanced chemical permeation resistanceachieved by increasing its crystallinity from Teflon ® PFA 450HP,enhanced purity, and improved thermal stability whileprocessing.
Teflon ® PFA 451HP is a relatively low melt flow rate (typical MFRof 2), premium resin with the lowest level of extractables designedto meet ultra-high purity requirements. An enhanced resistance toenvironmental stress-cracking and chemical permeation make Teflon ®PFA 451HP a preferred resin when extended service is required inhostile environments involving chemical, thermal, and mechanicalstress. Additionally, the enhanced purity of Teflon ® PFA 451HPmakes it suitable for applications that require improved color,lower extractable fluorides, and freedom from other foreignmaterials. This product contains no additives and is designed forhostile chemical environments where purity in the parts-per-billionrange is needed. Examples are in semiconductor manufacture, fluidhandling systems for industry or life sciences, and instrumentationfor precise measurements of fluid systems. Compared to otherthermoplastics, the high melt strength and thermal stability ofTeflon ® PFA 451HP can be used to improve processing rates,combining the processing ease of conventional thermoplastics withmany properties similar to those of polytetrafluoroethylene.
Properly processed products made from neat Teflon ® PFA 451HP resinprovide the superior properties characteristic of fluoroplasticresins: chemical inertness, exceptional dielectric properties, heatresistance, toughness and flexibility, low coefficient of friction,non-stick characteristics, negligible moisture absorption, lowflammability, performance at temperature extremes, and excellentweather resistance.
In a flame situation, products of Teflon ® PFA 451HP resistignition and do not promote flame spread. When ignited by flamefrom other sources, their contribution of heat is very small andadded at a slow rate with very little smoke.
Teflon ® PFA 451HP meets the requirements of ASTM D3307, TypeII
基本信息 |
特性 | 纯度高 低摩擦系数 低吸湿性 低烟度 高 ESCR(抗应力开裂) 良好的电气性能 良好的熔体强度 良好的柔韧性 流动性低 耐化学性良好 耐气候影响性能良好 耐热性,中等 热稳定性,良好 韧性良好 食品接触的合规性
用途 | |
机构评级 | FDA 21 CFR 177.1550 欧洲 10/1/2011 12:00:00 AM
形式 | |
加工方法 | |
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
比重 | 2.14 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
熔流率(熔体流动速率) (372°C/5.0 kg) | 2.0 | g/10 min | ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
吸水率 (24 hr) | < 0.030 | % | ASTM D570 |
硬度 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
肖氏硬度 (邵氏 D) | 55 |
| ASTM D2240, ISO 868 |
机械性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
抗张强度 |
| ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
23°C | 33.0 | MPa | ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
200°C | 18.0 | MPa | ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
伸长率 |
| ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
断裂, 23°C | 360 | % | ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
断裂, 200°C | 500 | % | ASTM D3307, ISO 12086 |
弯曲模量 |
| ASTM D790, ISO 178 |
23°C | 410 | MPa | ASTM D790, ISO 178 |
200°C | 54.0 | MPa | ASTM D790, ISO 178 |
热性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
熔融温度 | 305 | °C | ASTM D4591 |
电气性能 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
体积电阻率 | 1.0E+18 | ohms·cm | ASTM D257, ISO 1325 |
介电强度 |
0.250mm 1 | 80 | kV/mm | ASTM D149 |
0.250 mm | 80 | kV/mm | IEC 60243-1 |
介电常数 (1 MHz) | 2.03 |
| ASTM D150, IEC 60250 |
耗散因数 (1 MHz) | < 2.0E-4 |
| ASTM D150, IEC 60250 |
可燃性 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
UL 阻燃等级 2 | V-0 |
| UL 94 |
极限氧指数 | > 95 | % | ASTM D2863, ISO 4589-2 |
补充信息 | 额定值 | 单位制 | 测试方法 |
Critical Shear Rate (372°C) | 12.0 | sec^-1 |
MIT Folding Endurance 3(200.0µm) | 7.0E+3 | Cycles | ASTM D2176 |
Weather and Chemical Resistance: Outstanding |
备注 |
1 . | 方法A(短时间) |
2 . | These results are based on laboratory tests under controlledconditions and do not reflect performance under actual fireconditions, current rating is a typical theoretical value. |
3 . | Depending on fabrication conditions |
在火焰情况下,Teflon ? PFA 451HP产品具有抗燃性且不会促进火焰蔓延。当被其他来源的火焰点燃时,它们的热量贡献非常小,并且以缓慢的速度添加,几乎没有烟雾。Teflon? PFA 451HP 符合 ASTM D3307, Type II 的要求