更新:2024-11-18 08:30 编号:25261778 发布IP: 浏览:20次- 发布企业
- 广州市康晖商旅有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:广州市康晖商旅有限公司组织机构代码:91440101MA9Y626Y9L
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 签证,出国签证,旅游签证,商务签证,各国签证
- 所在地
- 白云区矮岗十字坎庄十一巷11号201房
- 联系电话
- 15019278096
- 手机
- 15019278096
- 联系人
- 黄经理 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
- 15019278096
Identity 1.1 Surname 2. Family status 2.1 If you are marriedSurname of your spouse Date of birth of your spouse 2.2 Do you haveany children? yes no If yes, please fill the surname, first name,date of birth of each child and their current residence. , SurnameFirst name Date of birth Current residence China France OtherSchengen State Other foreign country China France Other SchengenState Other foreign country China France Other Schengen State Otherforeign country 2.3 Information stated on your HUKOU Agriculturalfamily ? ? Yes no Place of birth Educational Level Have you movedfrom another city ? ? Yes If yes, from where? no Employer's nameOccupation Date of the latest update of your Hukou 3. Purpose oftravel (please check the appropriate box) ( ) : Private visit tofriends Family visit Business visit Professional visit Individualtourism Other (please specify) 4. Current profession and financialresources in China : 4.1 What is your current professional status ?Employee retired unemployed student house wife other 4.2 If other,please specify: , 4.3 If you are employee, please specify the nameand address of your employer. Telephone number 4.4 How long haveyou been working for your employer 4.5 What is the activity of youremployer ? 4.6 If your travel purpose is business, how long hasyour company been co-operating with the inviting company ?profession/job? 4.8 Your monthly income (RMB) ( ) : - Salary orprofessional income - Retirement pension - Rental income - Otherincome (spouse, parents, scholarship) ( ) COMPLEMENTARYQUESTIONNAIRE FOR A SCHENGEN VISA APPLICATION (To be completed bythe applicant in French or in English and to be joined to theapplication form) ( ) 4.9 Have you been granted a leave of absence? Yes No If you have answered yes, is it a paid leave Yes No 5.Your housing in China : 5.1 Are you owner? Yes No Tenant Yes No 5.2Since when do you live at this address? 6. Your stay in theSchengen States 6.1 You are travelling alone with family or friendswith colleagues 6.2 If you are travelling with family, friends orcolleagues, please fill in the surname, first name and date ofbirth of each person travelling with you : Surname First name Dateof birth Relationship 6.3 Do you have family or friends in theSchengen area? Yes No 6.4. If yes, please write down the surname,first name and date of birth of each member of your family livingin the Schengen area: Surname First name Date of birth Relationship6.5. If yes, where does/do your family/friends live ? 6.6 What willbe your itinerary in the Schengen area? 6.7 Do you speak anyforeign languages? Yes No If you have answered yes, whichlanguage(s) ? , 7. Previous Schengen visa applications Date ofsubmission Schengen State of submission Outcome Visa granted Visadenied Visa granted Visa denied Visa granted Visa denied Visagranted Visa denied 8. When do you plan to leave China? 9. If youplan to visit another country before entering Schengen area, pleaseindicate the name of the country: I declare that to the best of myknowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete.I am aware that any false statement will lead to my applicationbeing rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted andmay also render me liable to prosecution under the law of theSchengen State which deals with the application. I am aware thatthe French consular authorities may ask me to show up at the Frenchvisa section before or after the issuance of my visa. PlaceSignature : For minors under 18 years old on the day of visaapplication, signature of legal guardian required. Date :
成立日期 | 2022年10月19日 | ||
法定代表人 | 黄远林 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 旅游、各国签证办理,香港签证身份书办理各国签证,澳门旅行证办理各国签证,粤港澳三地租车服务,国际驾照,香港驾照办理 | ||
公司简介 | 广州市康晖商旅有限公司是一家专门为广大市民提供快捷方便的旅游服务,出国签证咨询服务的公司,为香港澳门非勇久居民持香港签证身份书(俗称黄皮书)临时护照,澳门旅行证临时护照办理各国签证咨询服务。除了签证外,我公司还提供粤港澳三地租车服务,我司旗下拥有多个粤港澳三地/两地牌车队,大量埃尔法新款两地或三地牌车,跨境商务车,中巴车,大巴车。同时,国际驾照和香港驾照也是我公司的主打产品,欢迎咨询。“高质量的服 ... |
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