PFA 美国科慕 全氟烷氧基 Teflon 940HP Plus耐候耐化学耐热
更新:2025-01-15 21:02 编号:18713539 发布IP: 浏览:44次- 发布企业
- 京冀(广州)新材料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:京冀(广州)新材料有限公司组织机构代码:91440115MA7MRWBJX7
- 报价
- 人民币¥72.00元每克
- 良好的柔韧性流动性高耐化学性良好
- 940HP
- 纯度高低摩擦系数低吸湿性
- 美国 科慕
- 耐气候影响性能良好耐热性,中等热稳定性,
- 关键词
- PFA 美国科慕 全氟烷氧基 Teflon 940HP Plus耐候耐化学耐热
- 所在地
- 广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 18938547875
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- 18938547875
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- 18938547875
产品特点本产品为无色半透明圆柱状颗粒,均聚产品,具有良好的加工性能和表面光泽,用其制作的丝类制品具有抗拉强度高,伸长率低、外观平整光滑、手感好的特点。建议用途 本产品为通用拉丝级均聚聚丙烯树脂,主要用于制作各种编织用扁丝
Teflon® PFA940HP Plus
DuPont Fluoropolymers
For inventory control purposes product name may be followed byan X.
Products labeled PFA 940HP Plus and PFA 940HP Plus X are equivalentand all information in this document is applicable to both.
Typical Application
With a typical MIT folding endurance of 300,000* cycles, DuPont™Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus is designed to withstand repeated flexingand aggressive chemical stress-cracking agents. Applications forTeflon ® PFA 940HP Plus include fluid handling components forhigh-performance chemical delivery systems, as well as tubing,unsupported pipe linings for the production of ultra-purechemicals, and semiconductor components where purity in theparts-per-billion range is critical.
DuPont™ Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus is a premium fluoroplastic resinavailable in pellet form. Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus possess-es thesame exceptional chemical resistance, high purity, and protectionagainst ionic contamination as Teflon ® PFA HP grades with theadded benefits of improved flex life (typical MIT flex of 300,000*)and chemical stress-crack resistance. Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus meetsthe increasingly stringent requirements for ultra-reliable andnon-contaminating parts, as well as unmatched HCl permeationresistance. The improved flex life and chemical resistance willreduce the cost of ownership of high purity fluid handling systemsby reducing downtime caused by mechanical or chemical stresses.Additionally, parts molded with Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus haveimproved clarity and a smooth finish, which can further helpprevent buildup of microbial contamination in water handlingsystems. Table 1 shows the typical property data for Teflon ® PFA940HP Plus.
This special purpose resin has a relatively high melt flow rate(typical MFR of 16), which permits higher extrusion speed andeasier processing. The enhanced resistance to environmentalstress-cracking makes Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus a preferred resinwhen extended service is required in hostile environments involvingchemical, thermal, and mechanical stress. Additionally, theenhanced purity of Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus makes it suitable forapplications that require improved color, lower extractablefluorides, and freedom from other foreign materials. This productcontains no additives and is designed for hostile chemicalenvironments where purity in the parts-per-billion range is needed.Examples are in semiconductor manufacture, fluid handling systemsfor industry or life sciences, and instrumentation for precisemeasurements of fluid systems. Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus combines theprocessing ease of conventional thermoplastics with the propertiessimilar to those of polytetrafluoroethylene.
With Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus, components can last longer underdynamic loads and resist damage caused by ozonated fluids andfluorosurfactants. Combined with excellent chemical, permeation,and stress-crack resistance, this durability leads to a reducedcost of ownership. The high purity and fully fluorinated moleculeend groups of Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus can reduce contamination toprotect process yields.
Properly processed products made from neat Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plusresin provide the superior properties characteristic offluoroplastic resins: chemical inertness, exceptional dielectricproperties, heat resistance, toughness and flexibility, lowcoefficient of friction, non-stick characteristics, negligiblemoisture absorption, low flammability, performance at temperatureextremes and excellent weather resistance.
In a flame situation, products of Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus resistignition and do not promote flame spread. When ignited by flamefrom other sources, their contribution of heat is very small andadded at a slow rate with very little smoke.
Teflon ® PFA 940HP Plus meets the requirements of ASTM D3307, TypeIV
产品用途: 高透明薄膜、包装膜
备注说明: 加工性能好,开口性好,透明度高
法定代表人 | 蒋红卫 | ||
注册资本 | 100万人民币 | ||
经营范围 | 塑料制品销售;玻璃纤维增强塑料制品销售;工程塑料及合成树脂销售;橡胶制品销售;颜料销售;染料销售;涂料销售(不含危险化学品);五金产品零售;五金产品批发;金属制品销售;金属工具销售;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);新材料技术研发;; | ||
公司简介 | 京冀(广州)新材料有限公司:是一家从事国内外各类塑胶原料贸易(回收)公司,自成立以来,与美国杜邦、美国GE、美国首诺,德国巴斯夫,德国拜耳,德国朗盛,日本帝人、日本东丽,日本三井、日本出光,日本旭化成,日本宝理,日本三菱工程,韩国LG、韩国工程塑料,韩三星***毛织,台湾奇美、台湾台化.瑞士EMS,法国罗地亚,荷兰等众多供应商保持良好的关系;主营塑胶原料:ABS、PMMA、SAN(AS)、GP ... |
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