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The SIMOTION TRC1000 register control technology module is anintelligent optical sensor that operates with white light andhigh-quality gray value sensing. It is suitable for detecting andmeasuring all common block and wedge marks. The sensor comprises anevaluation unit, fiber-optic cable and specific accessories. It isoperated on a SIMOTION control system via PROFINET IO with IRT. Inconjunction with the SIMOTION Print Standard application, theregister control can be directly integrated into the motion controlsystem of printing and downstream processing machines (postprint).


TRC1000 components are trade goods of Wiedeg Elektronik GmbH(www.wiedeg.de).

应用 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

When used in a multi-color printing environment, a register controlensures consistent print quality – and is also used in post-printapplications for synchronizing cut, embossing, punching or coatingprocesses using registers. To achieve this, special print marks areprinted in addition to the actual printed image.

In conjunction with the register control integrated in SIMOTION,Siemens also offers the SIMOTION TRC1000 wedge mark sensor forespecially price-sensitive segments of the printing industry. It isespecially suitable for coating and laminating processes in theconverting domain.

As it is directly integrated into the motion control system of themachine, a register control is achieved that has a high level ofperformance and degree of reliability. It is favorably-priced andespecially compact. Additional open-loop controls, operator panelsor control cabinets are not required. Furthermore, it is notnecessary to mount an additional encoder at the machine or printingcylinder.

The register control is made available based on the SIMOTION PrintStandard Add On TRC1000 application. Workshops are available forexperienced SIMOTION users. 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

The modular SIMOTION TRC1000 wedge mark sensor comprises the IDS-PNevaluation unit with intelligent measured value processing(1-channel as gray value) and specific accessories. It is directlyconnected to PROFINET IO with IRT via an integrated 2-port switchwhereby it is integrated in the line topology of the real-timePROFINET network of the machine. It can be adapted to theparticular measurement task or machine situation using theexpansion accessories. The DS sensor module, for example, expandsthe basic device to include a second fiber-optic cable connectionfor measuring on the reverse side, or measuring marks that arelocated transversely. Both modules are connected to24 V DC using a prefabricated cable (available in twolengths), and a connecting cable (open at one end). The fiber-opticcable is equipped with an optical system and can be plugged intothe IDS-PN or the DS. The cable is available in two lengths. Theoptical system is attached to the machine and can be adjusted usingthe three-section fiber-optic mounting set and standard ITEMprofile elements. Further, the optical power and measured valueprocessing for special measurement tasks can be adjusted using thefiber-optic calibration tool. 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

Topology of the SIMOTION TRC1000 integrated register control


Interfaces of the IDS-PN sensor module

Display anddiagnostics 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

  • 10 LEDs to display device o 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商perating statesand errors – and for basic communication diagnostics.

  • 2 measuring sockets for diagnostics and to update the firmware.These are not required in operation and are reserved for the use ofexperienced development engineers.
    1 x M12[DIAG], 12-pole, A-coded (Binder No.: 99 0491 1212).
    Program/debug interface, 4-channel analog value output (2 x sensoranalog signal, 2 x analog monitor) and 2-channel digital output (2x sensor digital signal) for development engineers.
    1 x M8[RS232], 6-pole (Binder No.: 79 3465 5206). 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商
    RS232 command interface for development engineers, e.g. fordiagnostics and parameterizing the sensor and the analogsignals.

Communication 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

  • 2 x M12 [Ethernet 0 / Ethernet 1], 4-pole, D-coded,PROFINET IO with IRT.
    Integrated 2-port switch to configure a PROFINET line-typetopology, e.g. with additional sensors and the SIMOTION control. Inaddition to real-time data, acyclic data – such as signal trace andsensor parameterization – are also transferred via this interface.Matching M12 PROFINET prefabricated cables are available, or userscan assemble them themselves (see PROFINET).

I/Odevices 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

  • 1 x fiber-optic cable connection, 3-pole.
    Plug-in screw connection for the fiber-optic cable, which isavailable in 2 lengths.

  • 1 x M8 [external sensor], 4-pole.
    To connect a DS sensor module for a second fiber-optic cable. Therequired prefabricated connecting cable is available in twolengths, as an accessory.

Powersupply 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

  • 1 x M8 [24V=], 3-pole.
    A prefabricated cable to connect the 24 V DC electronics powersupply is available as an accessory.


  • 1 x M12 [Encoder], 8-pole, A-coded, encoder connection (BinderNo.: 99 1487 812 08).
    A TTL incremental encoder can be directly connected here (e.g. forfeedback signals from a side register actuator motor).

Option module

The SIMOTION TRC1000 accessory DS sensor module extends the IDS-PNto include a second, external fiber-optic cable connection formeasuring register marks at both sides and for two-webmeasurements, as well as for horizontal markarrangements: 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

  • 1 x fiber-optic cable connection, 3-pole.
    Plug-in screw connection for the fiber-optic cable, which isavailable in 2 lengths (see IDS-PN).

  • 1 x M8 [IDS-PN], 4-pole. 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商
    Connection to the IDS-PN basic unit using prefabricated cables.


SIMOTION TRC1000 mounting example with ITEM profiles

Mounting 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商

The mounting set shown for mounting to ITEM profile elements isused to attach the fiber-optic cables.

  • Horizontal crossbar standard part, e.g.: ITEM profile 8, light,natural, 40 x 40 ( or ditto 80 x 40 ( withlength dependent on the machine (2)

  • Vertical crossbar standard part, e.g.: ITEM profile 5, natural,20 x 20 (0.0.370.03) 200 mm long with 2 x cover 20 x 20(0.0.370.09) (3)

  • Slider, standard part profile specifically machined, e.g.: ITEMslider guide 8 80 x 40 with clamping (0.0.628.68) profile 5,natural, 40 x 10 (0.0.391.06) 100 mm long, must bespecifically machined (4 holes) 2 x covers 5 40 x 10 (0.0.391.14)(4)

  • Holder, vertical crossbar, special p 西门子PLC模块广州授权总代理商artwith sliding block, clamping (5)

  • Holder, micro lens, special part with sliding block, 3 clampingpoints, inclination can be adjusted


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