更新:2025-02-03 15:30 编号:10354498 发布IP: 浏览:92次- 发布企业
- 深圳市悦顺祥贸易有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:深圳市悦顺祥贸易有限公司组织机构代码:91440300MA5EPUFC0B
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每份
- 关键词
- 越南使馆,使馆盖章,使馆加签
- 所在地
- 深圳市罗湖区南湖街道文锦南路商检大厦3013
- 联系电话
- 13590282545
- 手机
- 13682366696
- 联系人
- 刘先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Charge d 'Affaires of the Vietnamese Embassy certificationmatters needing attention editor
需要认证的各种商业单据都应加盖各级出入境检验检疫局或 各地贸促会的印章或办理相应的公正书或证明书。
1. Pay attention to the correct seal of the VietnameseEmbassy.
All commercial documents that need to be authenticated should bestamped with the seal of the entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureauor the local COUNCIL for the Promotion of Trade or dealt with thecorresponding letter of justice or certificate.
2. Pay attention to the time required for Vietnamese embassycertification.
Different countries have different regulations on the time forembassy certification.
The Argentine embassy stipulates that the time for embassycertification is 20 days, while that for Saudi Arabia is 25days.
At the same time, as foreign embassies are often China's holidayand the rest of the country's holiday, so enterprises in theapplication for embassy certification should pay attention to thetime limit of each embassy certification, as early as possible tohandle, in order to smooth the customs clearance settlement.
3. Note that some countries require some trade documents to becertified at the same time.
The united Arab Emirates embassy certification, Kuwait embassycertification, Iranian embassy certification, Jordan embassycertification, Syrian embassy certification and other countriesrequire invoices must be certified together with the certificate oforigin certification.
In addition, countries such as the Embassy of the United ArabEmirates, the Embassy of Saudi Arabia and the Embassy of Jordanalso require four kinds of meat products to be certified at thesame time:
Invoice embassy certification, certificate of origin embassycertification, inspection and quarantine certificate embassycertification, slaughter certificate embassy certification. The uaeembassy certification also requires poultry exports to be markedvirus-free, harmless and flu-free on their inspection andquarantine certificates.
Kuwaiti embassy certification also requires invoices to becertified together with certificate of origin and Certificate ofWhite origin (a certificate of origin in Arabic), etc.
4. Note that some countries require additional documents ordocuments.
The certificate of origin of goods transshipped to Argentinafrom other countries or regions requires two invoices to becertified at the same time.
The Libyan Embassy certification requires the original invoiceto be attached to the certificate of origin separately, and thehandling fee of 8.3 ‰ of the invoice value is also required, and 4copies of the invoice and certificate of origin are required.
5. Pay attention to the authentication fees of the VietnameseEmbassy.
Almost all countries charge a certain fee for embassycertification, and some charge more.
Therefore, enterprises in the export trade to these countries totake into account the cost of certification, especially for thesmall amount of trade to pay attention to this point.
It should also be noted that some countries charge on a batchbasis, while others charge on a proportional basis based on theinvoice value.
6. Pay attention to the regulations of the Vietnamese Embassy onthe certification of literary types.
If you apply for embassy certification from Libya and Kuwait,you must attach relevant documents in Arabic.
The embassy of Venezuela, The Embassy of Colombia, the Embassyof Uruguay, the embassy of Bolivia must be accompanied by Spanishtranslation to apply for accreditation.
成立日期 | 2016年03月02日 | ||
主营产品 | 办理产地证,各类文件驻华大使馆认证,贸促会商事认证,香港总商会认证,香港海牙认证,内地海牙认证,领事认证等等 | ||
经营范围 | 商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);商品零售贸易(许可审批类商品除外);货物进出口(专营专控商品除外);技术进出口;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 | ||
公司简介 | 深圳市悦顺祥贸易有限公司是贸促会国际商会会员和海关产地证备案企业,可承接种类型出口产地证书;如原产地证CO、普惠制产地证FA、东盟产地证FE、智利产地证FF、亚太产地证FM、中/澳产地证、中韩产地证、中巴产地证;各类文件驻华大使馆认证,贸促会商事认证,香港总商会认证,香港海牙认证,内地海牙认证,领事认证等等等清关资料认证服务。本公司所申办的产地证全部由官方机构签发,可以通过电话、网络查验真伪。无论 ... |
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- 深圳办理东盟产地证100.00元/份
产地证:一般原产地那证CO - 申请香港海牙认证流程-两三天出证4,300.00元/份
- 杭州办理东盟产地证业务280.00元/份
产地证:一般原产地那证CO - 义乌办理产地证业务流程60.00元/份
产地证:一般原产地那证CO - 广州办理产地证业务60.00元/份
产地证:一般原产地那证CO - 代办俄罗斯大使馆认证流程及时间100.00元/份
- 办理泰国大使馆认证的要求及时间1.00元/份
- 中韩产地证书第10栏中韩fta协定中韩原产地证办理100.00元/份
- 中澳证书享惠中澳fta节省关税中澳产地证可以扫描给客户吗100.00元/份
- 价格单贸促会认证100.00元/份