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防火等级测试 阻燃性能测试 耐火测试
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BS and EN Standards 英国欧洲标准

BS 5576:1998 Specificaiton for fire safety features of campingtents, awnings, trailer tents and caravanawnings野营帐篷、雨篷、拖车篷及大篷车车篷的防火安全要求

BS 6341:1983 Specification for Fabrics for camping tents帐篷用纺织品

UK Nightwear Reg.85;SI 1985 No.2043(BS 5722:1984 Specificationfor Flammability performance of fabrics and fabric combinationsused in nightwear garments睡衣用织物和连衫裤织物的可燃性能规范

BS 5867-2:2008 Specification for Fabrics for curtains and drapes-- Part 2: Flammability requirements 窗帘、幕布类 第2部分-易燃性要求

BS 7157-1989 Method of test for ignitability of fabrics used inthe construction of large tented structures 建造大帐篷用纺织物的易燃性试验方法

BS 5438:1976 Flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to asmall igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge ofvertically oriented specimens纺织品垂直方向表面加载和底边加载小火焰燃烧测试

BS 7837-1996 Specification for flammability performance fortextiles used in the construction of marquees and similar textilestructures大帐篷及类似纺织结构用织物易燃性能规范

EN13772:2003 textile and textile products- burningbehaviour-curtains and drapes- measurement of flame spread ofvertically oriented specimens with large ignition source窗帘、幕布用纺织品-燃烧速率的测定

EN13773:2003+A1 textile and textile products- burningbehaviour-curtains and drapes-Classificationscheme窗帘、幕布用纺织品-燃烧分级标准

BS EN 1101:1996 Textiles and textile products. Burningbehaviour. Curtains and drapes. Detailed procedure to determine theignitability of vertically oriented specimens (small flame)Procedure ISO 6940纺织品.窗帘和帷幕的燃烧特性.垂直排列试样易燃性(小火焰)测定用详细程序

BS EN 1102:1996 Textiles and textile products. Burningbehaviour. Curtains and drapes. Detailed procedure to determine theflame spread of vertically orientedspecimens纺织和纺织产品.燃烧性能.窗帘.火焰垂直燃烧试验的详细规则

EN 1103:2005 Textiles -- Fabrics for apparel -- Detailedprocedure to determine the burning behaviour 服装用纺织品-燃烧性能的测定

BS EN 14878:2007 Textiles. Burning behaviour of children'snightwear. Specification儿童睡衣燃烧特性

BS 4569:1983 Ignitability (surface flash) of pile fabrics andassemblies having pile on the surface 起绒织物及表面植绒织物可燃性(表面闪光)试验方法

EN 1869:1997 Fire blankets 防火毯


ISO Standards,ISO 标准

ISO 6941:2003Textile fabrics —Burning behaviour —Measurement offlame spread properties of vertically orientedspecimens纺织品-燃烧-垂直方向火焰传播测试

ISO 10047:1993 Textile —Determination of surface burning time offabrics纺织品表面燃烧时间测试方法

ISO 15025:2000 Protective clothing -- Protection against heatand flame -- Method of test for limited flamespread热及火焰防护服-火焰传播测试

ISO 5912-2011 Camping tents clause Flammability露营帐篷阻燃性能

US Standards 美国标准

16 CFR 1611 Standard for the flammability of vinyl plastic film乙烯基塑料薄膜可燃性测试

16 CFR Part 1610 (Mar.18, 2008) Standard for the Flammability ofClothing Textiles 衣服用织物可燃性测试

16CFR 1615(Size 0-6), 16CFR1616(Size 7-14) Standard for theFlammability of children's sleepwear儿童睡衣可燃性测试

ASTM D 1230 – 2010 Standard Test Method for Flammability ofApparel Textiles衣服织物可燃性测试标准

NFPA 701:2015 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flamepropagation of textiles and films 织物和薄膜火焰传播性能测试

ASTM D 4151-92(R2001) Standard test method for flammability ofblankets 毯子阻燃测试方法

ASTM F1955-99(2005) Standard test method for flammability ofsleeping bags 睡袋

ASTM D6413-2011 Standard test method for flame resistance oftextiles(vertical test)/纺织品燃烧性能-垂直法

FTMS 191A-5903.1-1989 Flame resistance of Cloth;vertical衣服织物阻燃测试-垂直法

ASTM F1989-05 Standard Specification for Cooking FireSuppression Blankets 烹调时用防火毯标准规范

NFPA 2112-2007 Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments forProtection of Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire (Only forclause 8.3 Flame Resistance Test)工业用阻燃防护服标准

Canadan Standards 加拿大标准

Canada Hazardous Products Act (R.S.,1985,c.H-3) SCHEDULE I PARTI clause4加拿大危险产品法案纺织品阻燃要求(CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.5-94 TEXTILE TESTMETHODS Flame Resistance — 45º Angle Test — One-Second FlameImpingement 纺织品测试方法—45°测试—1s火焰冲击测试)

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.5-2008TEXTILE TEST METHODS Flame Resistance— 45º Angle Test — One-Second Flame Impingement纺织品测试方法—45°测试—1s火焰冲击测试

Canada Hazardous Products Act (R.S.,1985,c.H-3) SCHEDULE I PARTI clause7加拿大危险产品法案赛璐珞测试

Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations, C.R.C., c.931加拿大危险产品(玩具)法规(SCHEDULE V FLAME RESISTANCE TEST 阻燃测试)

SOR/87-443 Hazardous Products (Children’s Sleepwear) Regulations加拿大危险品(儿童睡衣)法规(SCHEDULE I FLAME RESISTANCE TEST 阻燃测试)

SOR 90-245 Hazardous Product(Tents) Regulations(CPAI-84 campingtentage)/ 加拿大产品安全规章(帐篷)

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.1-2008 TEXTILE TEST METHODS Flame Resistance- Vertical Burning Test纺织品测试方法—阻燃测试—垂直燃烧测试)

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.2-94 TEXTILE TEST METHODS Flame Resistance—Surface Burning Test 纺织品测试方法—表面燃烧测试

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.3-94 TEXTILE TEST METHODS TextileFabric-Burning Behaviour-Measurement of flame spread procedures ofvertically oriented specimens 纺织品测试方法—燃烧性能-垂直燃烧速率的测定

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.4-94 TEXTILE TEST METHODS TextileFabric-Burning Behaviour-Determination of ease of ignition ofvertically oriented specimens 纺织品测试方法—燃烧性能-点燃时间的测定

CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.5-94 TEXTILE TEST METHODS TextileFabric-Burning Flame Resistance — 45º Angle Test — One-Second FlameImpingement纺织品测试方法—45°测试—1s火焰冲击测试)

CAN/CGSB-4.2 NO. 27.10-2000 Textile Test Methods FlameResistance - Vertically Oriented Textile Fabric or Fabric AssemblyTest 纺织品测试方法—垂直方向织物燃烧测试)

CAN/ULC-S109-03 Flame tests of flame-resistant fabrics andfilms阻燃织物和薄膜的火焰测试

Test method for the flammability of textiles (F01) Effective2009-11-05 加拿大纺织品燃烧测试方法(F 01)

AS/NZS Standards 澳大利亚及新西兰标准

AS/NZS 1249-2014 Children’s nightwear and limited daywear havingreduced fire hazard儿童睡衣和部分白天穿衣物的阻燃要求

AS 2755.1-1985 Textile Fabrics - Determination of ease ofignition of vertically oriented specimens 纺织品垂直方向易燃性测定

AS 2755.2:1985 Textile Fabrics - Determination of BurningBehaviour Part 2: Measurement of Flame Spread Properties ofVertically Oriented Specimens纺织品垂直方向燃烧速度测定

AS 2755.3:1988 Textile fabrics-determination of burningbehaviour-determination of surface burning time纺织品表面燃烧时间测定

AS/NZS 3504:2006 Fire blankets 防火毯

GB Standards 国家标准

GB/T 17591-2006 阻燃织物

GB 5455-1997 纺织品-垂直法

FZ/T 01028-93 纺织织物 燃烧性能测定 水平法

GB/T 14645:1993 纺织织物 燃烧性能 45°方向损毁面积和接焰次数测定/ Textile

fabrics-Burning behaviour-the 45 test determination of damagedarea and ignition times

Other 其他标准

CPAI-84:1995 camping tentage 帐篷


Satra TM 225-1998 Burning behaviour of slippers 拖鞋的火焰传播测试

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