The Hangzhou forkliftCDD12/CBD20-30N is matched with a 48V560AH lead-acid battery pack.This is Hangcha J series 1.3-2.0t three-point forklift, suitablefor operations in narrow passages and limited spaces. It has highlifting, high carrying capacity and turning radius. Small, it is anideal tool for loading, unloading and stacking in warehouses,supermarkets and workshops. The positive plate of the forkliftbattery adopts a strip tube design, equipped with special chemicalfiber tubes, and wet filling technology, which has high stability.The negative plate adopts a grid-like design. The electrode plateis covered with a porous chemical fiber bag to preventcrystallization on the electrode plate, prevent the loss of activematerials, and can retain electrolyte around the electrode plate,so that the battery can discharge stably, have good corrosionresistance, and extend the battery Plate life, scientificinternalization process: It can ensure that the balance coefficientbetween each plate and each monomer is greatly improved, and thescientific and balanced electrolyte ratio: meet the long-term andstable needs of customers, and develop science With a reasonableelectrolyte ratio, Guangzhou Brauns Power Supply Co., Ltd. has beenengaged in the sales of Hangzhou forklift batteries for a longtime. Since 1997, it has provided a large number of Hangzhoubattery forklift series.