The service life of battery 6pzs930 is more than 5 years, 1500times of deep cycle power design, affordable price, timelydistribution, with imported technical formula, strong dischargeresistance. 36v930ah is the capacity of Krang forklift battery. Theassembly of forklift battery depends on the series combination ofiron box and monomer. The replacement of new iron box needs to addcertain cost. Customers can according to their own needsConsidering the old and new degree of the iron box, if the iron boxis dipped in plastic, it can be recycled again. If the bottom ofthe iron box of forklift battery is corroded or oxidized seriously,it must be replaced with a new one. Dusting iron box can only beused once, and it is difficult to bear the weight of forkliftbattery for secondary use, so there are hidden dangers in hoisting.The thickness of the iron box above 48v400ah is generally 5mm. Ifit is too thin, although it does not affect the forklift battery inthe early stage, when it reaches a certain time, sulfuric acid willcorrode and wear through, resulting in leakage of battery pack.Forklift battery is particularly important in vehicles, and is animportant part of the cost of electric forklift. Improperconsideration is the battery and many external components. Bellancepower mall www.brcpower.com