2021-03-10 07:50 3次- 发布企业
- 上海市捷盼会展服务中心商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:上海捷盼会展服务中心组织机构代码:91310116MA1JBPQK3F
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- 关键词
- 广州医药展,广州医药原料展,广州医药设备展
- 所在地
- 上海市莲花南路1951号格兰大厦
- 手机
- 19957135877
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China International Equipment Fair takesroot in China and serves China. Gathering more than 500pharmaceutical equipment companies at home and abroad, takingadvantage of the "API China" and "PHARMPACK" held at the same time,providing exhibitors with quality managers, equipment procurementpersonnel and enterprises from nearly thousands of pharmaceuticaland API manufacturers Executives provide opportunities forface-to-face communication.
2021 The 86th API China International Pharmaceutical RawMaterial Intermediate Packaging Equipment Fair
The Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Exhibitionhas become a brand event that brings together professionals in theindustry, showcases advanced product technology, helps companiesinterpret policies and regulations, improves industry productionlevels, and reflects industry development trends. The exhibition issupported by more than 97% of the top 100 pharmaceutical companiesin China, providing pharmaceutical companies with goodopportunities for decision-making, procurement, technology, and R &D personnel to establish information exchanges and businesscooperation with target customers.
With the comprehensive upgrade of China'spharmaceutical industry, the China Pharmaceutical PackagingMaterials Exhibition has increased the demand of pharmaceuticalcompanies for innovative, safe and environmentally friendlypackaging materials and technologies. At the same time, thepharmaceutical packaging industry is developing in the direction ofstandardization and scale, and the Chinese pharmaceutical packagingindustry will present a brand new situation. As a large-scalepharmaceutical packaging event in Asia with a wide range ofproducts and companies gathered at home and abroad, PHARMPACK hasestablished a professional, comprehensive and convenient one-stoppackaging procurement platform in the pharmaceutical industry,providing high-quality packaging materials and packaging solutionsfor pharmaceutical companies, and improving Product added value,escorting the quality and safety of medicines. All the responsiblepersons, R & D, technology, quality, and purchasing staff ofdomestic compulsory pharmaceutical companies were present, anddomestic and foreign pharmaceutical packaging manufacturersactively participated. You must not miss the opportunity to feaston the business opportunity.
中国国际设备展扎根中国,服务中国。汇聚海内外500余家制药设备企业,借势同期举办的“API China”,"PHARMPACK",为参展企业提供与来自近数千家制药及原料药生产企业的质量管理者、设备采购人员及企业高管提供面对面交流良机。
China International Equipment Fair takesroot in China and serves China. Gathering more than 500pharmaceutical equipment companies at home and abroad, takingadvantage of the "API China" and "PHARMPACK" held at the same time,providing exhibitors with quality managers, equipment procurementpersonnel and enterprises from nearly thousands of pharmaceuticaland API manufacturers Executives provide opportunities forface-to-face communication.
China International PharmaceuticalExcipients / Functional Food Ingredients Exhibition serves as aplatform for the Asia-Pacific scale to display the full range ofpharmaceutical excipients. At each exhibition, more than 200domestic and foreign mainstream pharmaceutical excipient companiesparticipated. While discussing the changes in domesticpharmaceutical excipient policies, It also provides a platform forcompanies to show new applications and new applications and newtechnologies of old accessories.
作为中国制药工业新产品、新技术展示的旗舰展会,API China &PHARMPACK & SINOPHEX &PHARMEX专注于提高中国医药原料药、中间体、医药包装材料、制药设备企业生产、研发的整体水平,为公众提供安全、健康的用药保障。在中国化学制药工业协会、中国医药包装协会的支持下,展会成为汇集行业精英人物、展示先进的产品技术、帮助企业解读政策法规,提高行业生产水平和反映 行业发展趋势的品牌盛会。
As the flagship exhibition of new productsand new technologies of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, APIChina & PHARMPACK & SINOPHEX & PHARMEX focuses on improving theoverall level of production and R & D of pharmaceutical rawmaterials, intermediates, pharmaceutical packaging materials, andpharmaceutical equipment companies in China, providing the publicSafe and healthy medication guarantee. With the support of theChina Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Association and theChina Pharmaceutical Packaging Association, the exhibition hasbecome a brand event that brings together industry elites,showcases advanced product technologies, helps companies interpretpolicies and regulations, improves industry production levels andreflects industry development trends.
成立日期 | 2019年09月10日 | ||
法定代表人 | 马贞凤 | ||
主营产品 | 日本鞋展,华交会,日本箱包展,日本服装展,日本面料展,日本体育展,日本杂货展,日本玩具展,日本劳保展,日本五金展 | ||
经营范围 | 展览 | ||
公司简介 | 国内主要展会目录:1.上海劳保展:中国劳动保护用品交易会-----------安全防护展2.上海华交会:中国华东进出口商品交易会--------------日用品,服装,家居用品展会3.上海情趣用品展:--------中国SEX展我司组展优势:1、良好的摊位位置和价格优势。2、境外行程和酒店食宿等安排一向优惠合理便捷,得到广大参展商一致好评!3、常年操作外展经验和熟悉当地国家情况的专业带团人员。4 ... |