2025-01-03 07:01 2次- 发布企业
- 义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第9年主体名称:义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司组织机构代码:91330782MA28D1PB0Y
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 广州花都马桶堵塞疏通电话
- 所在地
- 漓江街50号3楼
- 联系电话
- 13216247233
- 手机
- 13185164750
- 经理
- 刘永祥 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
① 根據故障大小==維修數量==明碼實價===杜絕亂收費。 =② 維修費用可參照上門工程師出示的服務手冊。 =③維修費用不包含配件===如需配件===可與師傅溝通幫代買。 =④ 師傅上門檢測後===如您主動放棄維修===需支付檢測費。=維修故障;1.下水管道疏通:下水道堵塞==下水道掉入異物==下水道不通暢等==2.專業維修碼桶:碼桶疏通===碼桶水箱水流不停==無法沖水或沖水時水量不夠==沖水時發=響聲==碼桶周圍潮濕=3.道堵塞了==裝修過程中不註意將壹些裝修材料掉入管道 =4.蹲便器專業疏通:存水彎設計不當==蹲便器安裝不當==沈箱池高度不夠=5.專業疏通洗菜盆洗手盆:專業疏通洗手盆因汙漬油垢積累太多引起堵塞==專業疏通因食物殘渣==油汙等造成的洗菜盆堵塞。專業管道清洗===本公司備有高壓清洗車===能夠徹底清洗===疏通因為油垢 ===淤泥① According to the fault size = =maintenance quantity = = clear code real price = = = no arbitrarycharging. = ② the maintenance cost can refer to the service manualpresented by the on-site engineer. = ③ the maintenance cost doesnot include parts = = = if parts are needed = = = you cancommunicate with the master to help buy them. = ④ after themaster's on-site inspection = = = if you voluntarily give up themaintenance = = = the inspection fee shall be paid. = maintenancefailure; 1. Drainage pipe dredging: Sewer blocking = = sewerfalling into foreign matters = = sewer blocked, etc. = = 2.Professional maintenance code bucket: Code bucket dredging = = codebucket water tank flow is not stopped = = unable to flush or watervolume is not enough = = when flushing = noise = = code bucketsurrounding humidity = 3. Channel blocking = = some decorationmaterials are not dropped into the pipeline during decoration = 4.Squatting toilet professional dredging : improper design of thewater trap = = improper installation of the squatting pan = =insufficient height of the sink tank = 5. Professional dredging ofthe wash basin: professional dredging of the wash basin caused bytoo much dirt and oil accumulation ==
成立日期 | 2015年10月22日 | ||
法定代表人 | 刘永祥 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
经营范围 | 家政服务、家电维修及安装、室内外保洁服务(不含道路清扫保洁、不含高空作业)、管道清洗疏通、搬家服务(以上经营范围不含高空作业)、建筑物防水补漏、环保工程施工,开锁服务,水电安装服务,外墙清洗服务,化粪池清理服务,污物清掏服务,物业服务,建筑垃圾清运,室内外装饰工程设计与施工 | ||
公司简介 | 义乌市欧尚家政服务有限公司13185164750微信号13216247233义乌市工商局批准的大型股份公司服务机构,下设各类业务的技术性安装维修,及相关各类专业服务,等几大业务部。可与各单位,公司,物业,社区,工厂,酒店,等各建设单位公对公合作,公对私合作。【可开-普票=专票】。项目如下:1.空调拆:装:维修:加氟利昂:清洗保养.各种=家电维修=水电安装维修-;【家政清洗保洁】;燃气灶改造天然灶热 ... |
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