更新:2023-06-22 13:16 编号:6858501 发布IP: 浏览:67次- 发布企业
- 广州言若德新材料科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:广州言若德新材料科技有限公司组织机构代码:91440101MA59JHHH17
- 报价
- 人民币¥200.00元每公斤
- 品牌
- 德国汉高Henkel
- 型号
- PA 6812
- 产地
- 意大利
- 关键词
- 聚酰胺热熔胶,Technomelt,Thermelt
- 所在地
- 广州市黄埔区黄埔东路3889号10111
- 联系电话
- 020-31529924
- 手机
- 13610308530
- 经理
- 王强 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
MACROMELT 6812 provides the following product
Technology : Polyamide
Product Type : Hotmelt
Cure : Physical setting
Condition : Thermoplastic
Components : One component
Application : General assembly
Appearance : Amber
Application Areas
MACROMELT 6812 is a hotmelt adhesive especially
suitable for porous substrates such as paper, woodandleather.
Macromelt 6812:
Softening point, ℃ 206 to 216
Melting Viscosity at 235 ℃, mPas 4,000 to 7,500
Specific gravity, g/cm3 0.98
Yield Strength, N/mm 21
Break Strength, N/mm 17
Elongation, % 300
E-modulus 2%, N/mm2 350
Mandrel test pass, ℃ 5
Preliminary Statement:
Prior to application it is necessary to read the Material
Safety Data Sheet for information about precautionary
measures and safety recommendations. Also, for chemical
products exempt from compulsory labeling, the relevant
precautions should always be observed.
The surfaces of the substrate must be dry and free from oil,
grease and dust.
Application Temperature : 225 to 240 °C
Application System : Hotmelt application systems
When bonding to a substrate with high thermal conductivity
the use of a specific application temperature is requiredfor
good wetting.
Do not heat the product above the specified application
temperature range.
When the product is not in use do not apply heat, this will
degrade the quality of the product and in extreme cases
cause carbonisation. The standby temperature for the
product is approximately 50°C below the application
temperature, but not for longer than 72 hours.
MACROMELT 6812 may absorb moisture from the air. This
will not be apparent in the solid form, but may cause
bubbles on heating and could affect the bond quality. It is
important, therefore, that containers are kept closed and
sealed when not in use.
Carbonised and set (non thermoplastic) material must be
removed mechanically. Removal of the thermoplastic
material from the hot apparatus can be achieved with
solvent free cleaning system, such as Macromelt 0062
(see separate technical information)
Please refer to the corresponding safety data sheets for
details on:
Hazardous Information
Transport Regulations
Safety Regulations
When properly stored in a cool, dry location, with the
container tightly closed when not in use, this product will
have a shelf life of at least 24 months.
The information provided herein, especially
recommendations for the usage and the application of our
products, is based upon our knowledge and experience.
Due to different materials used as well as to varying
working conditions beyond our control we strictly
recommend to carry out intensive trials to test thesuitability
of our products with regard to the required processes and
applications. We do not accept any liability with regard to
the above information or with regard to any verbal
recommendation, except for cases where we are liable of
gross negligence or false intention.
This datasheet replaces all former versions.
Reference 0.0
成立日期 | 2017年02月20日 | ||
法定代表人 | 王强 | ||
注册资本 | 100 | ||
主营产品 | 低压注塑,低压注塑设备,低压注塑模具,低压注塑材料 | ||
经营范围 | 新材料技术开发服务;节能技术开发服务;环保技术开发服务;塑料制品批发;五金产品批发;电子产品批发;信息电子技术服务;计算机网络系统工程服务;软件服务;机械技术开发服务;机械配件批发;电子设备工程安装服务;专用设备修理;通用设备修理;机械设备租赁;技术进出口;货物进出口(专营专控商品除外);商品零售贸易(许可审批类... | ||
公司简介 | 广州言若德新材料科技有限公司(Nourde),专业从事低压注塑技术,为电子元件提供防护的合作供应商。我们与客户合作,根据不同应用需求提供完整的技术解决方案。如:低压注塑模具制造、低压注塑热熔胶、低压注塑设备、低压注塑工艺参数、低压注塑设备培训以及售后服务的一站式低压注塑成型方案。Nourde很早意识到,项目开发前期会面临技术、设备、模具、材料等投入。因此,为降低开发成本及投入风险,提供模具开发、材 ... |
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