Forming characteristics: 1.Amorphous material, with moderate fluidity and high moistureabsorption, must be fully dry. Plastic parts with a glossy surfacemust be preheated and dry for a long time at 80-90 degrees Celsiusfor 3 hours
2. Ut alta temperatura materiaeet alta temperatura molda utilizat, sed si temperatura materiaeexcelsa alta est, facile est decompositi (temperaturadecompositionae>270 degrees). For high-precision plastic parts,the mold temperature should be 50-60 degrees, and for high glossand heat-resistant plastic parts, the mold temperature should be60-80 degrees.
3. To solve the problem ofwater marks, it is necessary to improve the fluidity of thematerial by adopting methods such as high material temperature,high mold temperature, or changing the inlet waterlevel.
4. If heat-resistant orflame-retardant materials are formed, plastic decompositionproducts will remain on the surface of the mold after 3-7 days ofproduction, causing the mold surface to shine. It is necessary toclean the mold in a timely manner, and increase the exhaustposition on the mold surface.
Plastika ABS ingenieriagenerale opaque sunt, cum luce eburno coloratum, non toxicam etodorem apparentibus. Habent characteres fortitudinis, duritatis, etrigiditates. Lentem ardent, flamma flamma et fumo nigra. Postcombustionem plasticus tenebat et ardent, emittint odorem cinnamonis speciosum, sed non est phenomenum conflationis etlactantis.