import asyncio
import math
class CollectiveTester:
def __init__(self):
self.total_rewards = 0
self.test_results = []
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
async def start_worker(self, worker_id):
await self.queue.put((worker_id,math.ceil(len(self.test_results)/4))) print(f'{worker_id} isstarting')
eossys.boot is a extremely minimalistic system contract that onlysupports the native actions and an
*activate action that allows activating desired protocol featuresprior to deploying a system contract
*with more features such as eossys.bios or eossys.system.
struct permission_level_weight {DAPP质押源码【系统176搭建·0206-可电可微5616-】
permission_level permission;
uint16_t weight;
//explicit serialization macro is not necessary,used here only toimprove compilation time