填充物:高强度 注塑
基本性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
吸水率 |
| ASTM D-570 |
(饱和(23℃)) | 5.4 | % |
(24小时浸渍(23℃)) | 0.7 | % |
物理性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
比重 | 1.38 |
| ASTM D-792 |
机械性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
断裂伸长率 |
| ASTM D-638 |
(23℃,DAM) | 3 | % |
(23℃,50%RH) | 4 | % |
拉伸强度 (23℃,DAM) | 196.1 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
挠曲模量 (23℃,50%RH) | 6205 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
拉伸强度 (23℃,50%RH) | 124.1 | MPa | ASTM D-638 |
洛氏硬度M (DAM) | M101 |
| ASTM D-785 |
挠曲模量 (23℃,DAM) | 8963 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
挤剪强度 (23℃,DAM) | 86 | MPa | ASTM D-732 |
泰伯磨耗量 (50%RH) | 14 | cycles |
埃佐冲击强度 |
| ASTM D-256 |
(23℃,DAM) | 107 | j/m |
(23℃,50%RH) | 133 | j/m |
挠曲强度 (23℃,DAM) | 262 | MPa | ASTM D-790 |
电气性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
介电强度 ((分步法)DAM) | 440 | volts/mil | ASTM D-149 |
介电常数 |
| ASTM D-150 |
(RH@10Hz赫) | 10.7 |
(RH@10Hz赫) | 25.0 |
体积电阻率 (RH) | 10 | ohm-cm | ASTM D-257 |
介电常数 (DAM@10Hz赫) | 3.7 |
| ASTM D-150 |
介电强度 (DAM) | 530 | volts/mil | ASTM D-149 |
损耗因数 (DAM@10Hz赫) | 0.02 |
| ASTM D-150 |
体积电阻率 (DAM) | 10 | ohm-cm | ASTM D-257 |
介电常数 (DAM@10Hz赫) | 4.5 |
| ASTM D-150 |
损耗因数 (DAM@10Hz赫) | 0.02 |
| ASTM D-150 |
热性能 | 额定值 | 单位 | 测试方法 |
热畸变温度 (1.8MPa) | 249 | ℃ | ASTM D-648 |
熔点 |
(50%RH) | 255 | ℃ | ASTM D-789 |
(ASTM D-789) | 255 | ℃ | DAM |
线性热膨胀系数 | 2.3×10-5 | m/m/℃ | ASTM D-696 |
Introduction Chinese alias: Nylon 66 staple fiber;polyhexanediamide; Nylon -66; nylon 66 resin; polyamide -66;polyhexanediamine; Nylon -66. Nylon 66 has high fatigue strengthand steel property, good heat resistance, low friction coefficient,good wear resistance, but high hygroscopicity and poor dimensionalstability. Generally used for medium load, using temperature & LT;100 -120 degrees without lubrication or less lubrication conditionsof wear-resistant force transmission parts. II thermal propertiesmelting point (TM) melting point is the temperature ofcrystallization melting, showing clear melting point forcrystalline polymer nylon-66. According to the adopted test method,the melting point fluctuates in the range of 259 ~ 267 ° C. Themelting point of nylon-66 measured by differential thermal analysis(DTA) is 264 ° C. In fact, the melting point of nylon-66 can becalculated according to the melting heat (ΔH) and the meltingentropy (δs) of the crystallization: the ΔH of nylon-66 is 4390.3J/mol, the ΔS is 8.37 J/KMOL, and the theoretical value of TM is259.3 ° C [] . The melting point of nylon-66 is 246 ~ 263 ° C ifthe temperature at which the volume expansion coefficient shows themaximum value is taken as the melting point. The theoreticalmelting temperature is 259 ° C. Glass transition temperature (TG)the specific volume and specific heat capacity of polymers canchange irregularly at a certain temperature, which is the glasstransition temperature, it is the temperature at which the segmentsof a molecular chain begin to move, overcoming the forces betweenthe molecules. At this temperature, the modulus, vibrationfrequency, dielectric constant and so on also begin to change. Theglass transition temperature of Nylon -66 is related to the testmethod, moisture content, monomer concentration and crystallinityof the sample. Wilhoit and Dole considered that the glasstransition temperature of NYLON-66 was 47 ° C [] , while Rybnikardetermined the specific volume of nylon-66 at low temperature, itis found that there is also a transition temperature at -65 ° C innylon-66[] .