PBT Crastin SK612SF NC010 15%玻璃纤维,低粘度PBT
2025-01-07 08:40 1次- 发布企业
- 京冀(广州)新材料有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第3年主体名称:京冀(广州)新材料有限公司组织机构代码:91440115MA7MRWBJX7
- 报价
- 人民币¥27.00元每千克
- 15%玻璃纤维,低粘度PBT
- SK612S
- 用于快速生产
- 美国杜邦
- 本色塑胶原材料
- 关键词
- PBT Crastin SK612SF NC010 15%玻璃纤维,低粘度PBT 用于快速生产 本色塑胶原材料
- 所在地
- 广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 18938547875
- 手机
- 18938547875
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- 18938547875
美国杜邦PBTSK603 添加20%玻璃纤维
美国杜邦PBTSK605 添加30%玻璃纤维
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德国巴斯夫PBTB4300G4 添加20%玻璃纤
德国巴斯夫PBTB4406G2 添加10%玻璃纤阻燃V0
德国巴斯夫PBTB4406G4 添加20%玻璃纤阻燃V0
德国巴斯夫PBTB4406G6 添加30%玻璃纤阻燃V0
德国巴斯夫食品级PBT B4500 挤出级 中粘度 食品级
美国GE PBT310 通用级
美国GE PBT310SEO 阻燃V0 用于电力工业、线轴、键盘开关及开关组件、工具外壳
美国GE PBT357 阻燃V0 抗冲击用于线轴、开关、外壳等
美国GE PBT420SEO 阻燃V0 添加30%玻璃纤维许多用途:切边机、食物搅拌机马达定子与换向器、电风扇、连接器、线轴、开关等。
美国GE PBTDR51 添加15%玻璃纤用于维聚光灯、器具外壳、把手、连接器
美国GE PBTDR48 添加17%玻璃纤阻燃V0
日本东丽 1494X02 非增强级,V-0
Stress crackingresistance, excellent wear resistance, chemical corrosionresistance, low-temperature impact strength, easy processing andgood finishing, mainly used in car bumpers, car chassis, panels andmotorcycle panels. Looking back to the past few years, the world'smajor PBT production companies are mainly concentrated in theUnited States, Western Europe, Japan and South Korea. A few yearsago, according to Kline & Co's statistical analysis, GE Plastics isthe world's PBT producers, production capacity of 140,000 tons peryear, in the period around 2004, the company already accounted for24.1 percent of the world's total production capacity. At the time,Ticona and dupont were the second and third producers of PBT, withproduction capacities of 80,000 and 75,000 tonnes per year,respectively, its share in the world's total productive capacitywas 13.8% and 12.0% , respectively. BASF, Teirenburi Plastics andBuyer are not far behind.
That's10,000-150,000 tons per year. Self-lubricating, low frictioncoefficient, but large volume resistance, dielectric loss. Thedisadvantage is the low impact strength of the gap, moldingshrinkage. Therefore, most of the glass fiber reinforced orinorganic filling modification, its tensile strength, bendingstrength can be increased by more than one time, thermaldeformation temperature is also greatly increased. It can workunder 140 ° C for a long time, and the longitudinal and transverseshrinkage rates of glass fiber reinforced products are notconsistent, so the products are easy to warp. Non-flammable, noliquid flow when burning, leaving the flame extinguished within 5seconds, (similar to PC) . PBT is a Thermoplastic, suitable for useby different manufacturers, usually with some additives, or withother plastics, with different proportions of additives, can bemade of different specifications of products. Because PBT has goodheat resistance, weather resistance, electrical properties, waterabsorption, good luster, widely used in electronic appliances,automotive parts, machinery, household goods, etc. , and PBTproducts and PPS, PC, Pom, PA and so on are collectively known asthe five engineering plastics. 3 the shutdown time of PBT treatmentis less than 30 minutes, and the shutdown time can be reduced to200 ° C. When reproducing after long-term shutdown, the material inthe cylinder should be emptied and new material should be added inorder to carry out normal production. 4 the post-treatment of theproducts does not need to be carried out under normalcircumstances, and if necessary, it needs to be treated at 120 ° Cfor 1 ~ 2 hours. Polybutylene terephthalate is a crystallinethermoplastic engineering
法定代表人 | 蒋红卫 | ||
注册资本 | 100万人民币 | ||
经营范围 | 塑料制品销售;玻璃纤维增强塑料制品销售;工程塑料及合成树脂销售;橡胶制品销售;颜料销售;染料销售;涂料销售(不含危险化学品);五金产品零售;五金产品批发;金属制品销售;金属工具销售;互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品);新材料技术研发;; | ||
公司简介 | 京冀(广州)新材料有限公司:是一家从事国内外各类塑胶原料贸易(回收)公司,自成立以来,与美国杜邦、美国GE、美国首诺,德国巴斯夫,德国拜耳,德国朗盛,日本帝人、日本东丽,日本三井、日本出光,日本旭化成,日本宝理,日本三菱工程,韩国LG、韩国工程塑料,韩三星***毛织,台湾奇美、台湾台化.瑞士EMS,法国罗地亚,荷兰等众多供应商保持良好的关系;主营塑胶原料:ABS、PMMA、SAN(AS)、GP ... |
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