MBS Japan Chung Yuan M701 for PC, PC/ABS toughening agent
Product characteristics: Kaneka Zhongyuan MBS modifier M-701,Japan Product characteristics: low temperature toughening, weatherresistance. Application field: used to improve the impact strengthand toughness of PC, PC/ABS and other alloys. PC modification canimprove impact performance, but it has little impact on otherphysical properties. It has good impact resistance at roomtemperature and low temperature, and has excellent processingperformance. Excellent surface finish and rigidity retention.
M701, a kind of MBS core-shell toughening agent, is used inpolyester plastics such as PC to improve impact performance, buthas little impact on other physical properties. It has good impactresistance at room temperature and low temperature, and hasexcellent processing performance. Excellent surface finish andrigidity retention. The particle size is uniform and not affectedby the mixing process. It has good weather resistance and lowtemperature toughening effect. M701 is mainly used to improve theimpact strength and toughness of PC, PC/ABS and other alloys.
M701, a kind of MBS core-shell toughening agent, is used inpolyester plastics such as PC to improve impact performance, buthas little impact on other physical properties. It has good impactresistance at room temperature and low temperature, and hasexcellent processing performance. Excellent surface finish andrigidity retention. The particle size is uniform and not affectedby the mixing process. It has good weather resistance and lowtemperature toughening effect. M701 is mainly used to improve theimpact strength and toughness of PC, PC/ABS and other alloys.
Японский усилитель Чжун Юань M701 представляет собой структуруядерной оболочки MBS, используемую для ПК и других полиэфирныхпластмасс, улучшая ударные свойства при незначительном влиянии надругие физические характеристики, нормальные температуры, низкиетемпературы хорошего противоударного эффекта, с отличнымихарактеристиками обработки. Отличная чистота поверхности иподдержание жесткости. Частицы равномерны по размеру и неподвержены влиянию процесса смешивания. Имеет лучшуюстойкость к погоде и низкотемпературный эффект. M701 восновном используется для повышения прочности и вязкости сплавов,таких как PC, PC / ABS и другие сплавы.