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  • Semi‑automatic mode (SAM)

1) SNL: Swayneutralization load position

2) SND: Swayneutralization trolley position

The operating mode is selected (depending on the functional scope)by the PLC by setting the appropriate control bit.

Manualmode (MAN)

In the manual mode, the speed is specified manually from ahigher-level controller. The trolley is accelerated or deceleratedto the set speed in such a way that the load sway has beeneliminated when the set speed is reached.

Sway control is active in manual mode either throughout thecomplete traverse, or only during at stop.

A new function Soft Approach is added to the manual mode to assistcrane drivers for approaching softly the target position withminimal risk of collision. This function can be well applied forsmart slow‑down of a trolley and for soft landing of a hoist.

Positioning (POS)

In the positioning mode, the higher-level controller or theinternal encoder can specify a target position for each individualaxis. This position is approached automatically after enabling. Theaxes are controlled in such a way that the load sway is eliminatednot only when the maximum speed is reached, but also at the targetposition. The direct path between the current position and thetarget position must be free of obstacles.

Swayneutralization (SNL/SND)

The sway neutralization mode (only for the version with camera) isused to eliminate swaying movements of the load fromstandstill.

Sway neutralization is linked to a positioning function. The targetposition is either the current trolley position (SND) or theload position (SNL) at thetime the sway neutralization is activated.

Sway neutralization results in slight travel movements to bothsides of the target position.

The position of the load is acquired by the camera measuringsystem.

Trim, list and skewcontrol (TLS control)

TLS control controls the trim, list and skew positions of aspreader.

The TLS control function assumes that

  • the length or

  • the pivot points

of the 4 support cables of a spreader can be adjusted byhydraulic cylinders, or an additional electric system with the aidof the camera.

Schematic diagram of TLS movements

Each cylinder can be traversed individually for calibrationpurposes. Through actuation of these hydraulic cylinders in pairs,the spreader can be tilted to the left or right (trim), inclinedtowards the waterside or landside (list) or rotated in a clockwiseor counterclockwise direction (skew). All of theseTLS movements can be carried out simultaneously. The specifiedpositions of all 4 cylinders can be saved as zero positionsand approached again. For TLS positioning, either the lastTLS position at the landside (LS) and at the waterside (WS) orthe last TL position at the LS and at the WS with an externallydefinable rotational position can be approached.

The TLS control function is subdivided intotwo categories, each of which requires a separate license:

  • TLS Basic modes

    • Cylinder inching

    • Approach zero position without skew damping

    • TLS inching without skew damping

  • TLS Advanced modes

  • Approach zero position with skew damping

  • TLS inching with skew damping

  • TLS positioning with skew damping

  • Skew damping

Skew damping

Skew damping is an electronic anti‑sway function whicheliminates the skewing motion of the spreader by means of thehydraulic cylinder control or an additional electricsystem. The skewing motions are recorded by the same camera as forsway. In the conventional mechanical design, TLS positioningas well as skew damping is performed via the hydraulic system.In a combined mechanical system using a hydraulic system and anelectrical system, TLS positioning is performed via thehydraulic system and only skew damping is performed bythe electrical system. This ensures more efficient and more dynamicdamping.

Semi‑automaticmode (SAM)

The semi‑automatic mode allows the system to be set up so thatthe load is traversed along an optimal trajectory. The trajectoryis specified to ensure that the spreader or grab does not collidewith the crane structure or with containers or other obstacles, andalso reaches its target position rapidly and accurately. Thisoperating mode can be used for ship to shore cranes (STS) andship unloaders (GSU). A seamless switchover between manualmode (MAN) and SAM makes different operation possible.

The obstacles are stored in the system as blocked regions andtraversing is only permitted outside these areas. Depending on thestarting point and the target position, the fastest possibletrajectory is generated from the data about the blocked regions.Both axes (trolley and hoist) must be operated coordinately in thesemi‑automatic mode.

The container profile can be specified externally by a 2D/3Dlaser system or a bay scanner (point laser) connected to the cranecontroller or acquired internally by learning during themotion.

The trajectory is calculated on the basis of a layout of theworking area in which blocked regions are defined. Blocked regionsare individual or several combined obstacles or also areas whichthe crane must not enter for safety reasons to avoid collisions. Adistinction is made between fixed and variable blocked regions.

A blocked region is described by two trolley positions and onehoisting position.

The types of blocked regions and their purposes are shown in thefollowing graphic.

Layout of blocked regions

If a bay scanner is used, the signal of the obstacle height isevaluated in addition to the traveled curve. The distance from thescanner to the surface of the container stack is measured (seegraphic below, dashed lines).

This value must be converted to a laser value in the PLC whichcorresponds to the distance from the scanner to the top edge of thecontainer stack at this point (see graphic below; converted laservalue). The vertical distance between 2 valid measuring pointsis set to the height of the highest measuring point.

Measurement of the height of the container stack with the laserscanner

Additional functions in the grab crane application area

Semi‑automatic mode withunloading on the fly

In the ship unloader application (GSU), unloadingon the fly utilizes the maximum swaying of a grab whenunloading bulk goods and saves turnover time in this way. Thetrolley is decelerated before reaching the target position whilethe grab is swinging to the target (e.g. hopper). During swayingover the target area, the grab is opening for unloading. As soon asthe grab reaches its target position, the trolley starts to travelback. In this way the trolley eliminates the stopp time forunloading over the hopper and the grab remains longer over thehopper area.

Grab crane (GSU)

Additional functions for application OHBC,Gantry crane

This application includes overhead bridge cranes (OHBC) andgantry cranes, as well as RTGs and RMGs withtwo axes in the plane (trolley, gantry) and an additional axis(either slewing gear or hoisting gear). In case of theslewing gear, the sway control works to damp the rotaryoscillation.

Either manual mode (MAN: a speed setpoint is set on the masterswitch) or positioning mode (POS: a target position is set), can beselected. The operating mode of each axis can be switched over,e.g. from manual mode to positioning mode and vice versa, while theaxis is moving.

Each axis moves independently from the other axes.


Various licenses which cover combinations of theoperating modes described above are available for thesway control systems (see Selection and ordering data).


Siemens product support

The latest information about SIMOCRANE products, product supportand FAQs can always be found on the Internet at


Additional information about Crane Application Notes can be foundon the Internet at



所属分类:中国电工电气网 / PLC
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