Embassy certification process:
If you provide the documents to us, we, as the applicant, submitthem to CCPIT for certification. Then CCPIT submits the documentsto the Certification Office of the Department of Consular Affairsof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for certification. Finally, theMinistry of Foreign Affairs submits the documents to the Embassy inChina for embassy certification.
Embassy certification time:
Each embassy certification need different length of time, thereis no specific embassy certification time, can only roughlyestimated time, specific to the issuance of time shall prevail.Embassy certification time is usually relatively long, in order notto affect the time of customs clearance, as early as possible.
Embassy certification fee:
Each embassy charge is not the same, some embassies are chargedby document type, different document fees are not the same, somecountries are charged according to the invoice amount by a certainproportion, embassy certification fees will be higher.
Embassy certification materials:
It is usually necessary to provide the original or a copy of theoriginal of the certification documents, a copy of the businesslicense, a statement, an application form, and a letter ofguarantee.
Some embassies require the translation of the certificationdocuments. Different embassies have different requirements fordifferent languages, such as Western, French, Portuguese, etc.,depending on which embassy.