Epoxy steel glue
Section 2 - Hazards Identification Classification of the substanceor mixture This product is not classified as dangerous according tothe GHS (The Globally Harmonized System of Classification andLabelling of Chemicals). GHS Label elements, includingprecautionary statements Pictogram(s): Not applicable. Signal word:Not applicable. Hazard statements: Not applicable. Precautionarystatements: Not applicable. Description of any hazards nototherwise classified No information available. Ingredient withunknown acute toxicity No information available. See section 11 formore detailed information on health effects and symptoms. Section 3- Composition/Information on Ingredient Pure □ Admixture □substance □ Composition: Chemical Name CAS No. In % By Weight Epoxyresin 38891-59-7 50 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 50 Abbreviation: CASNo. is Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number.
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures Flammability of Products:Combustible. No specific flammable or explosion hazard.Extinguishing Media: Use chemical foam, dry chemical, carbondioxide, sand or water mist. Hazardous Combustion/DecompositionProducts: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and silicon dioxide.Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters: Firefighters shouldwear self-contained breathing apparatus and full fire-fighting gearif necessary. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures For guidanceon selection of personal protective equipment see Chapter 8 of thisMaterial Safety Data Sheet. See Chapter 13 for information ondisposal. Observe the relevant local and international regulations.Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergencyprocedures: Use personal protective equipment. Ensure adequateventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Avoid breathingconcentrated vapor. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. For personalprotection see section 8. Environmental precautions: Do not letproduct enter drains. Methods and materials for containment andcleaning up: Contain spillage, and then collect with vacuum cleanerand place in container for disposal according to local regulations(see section 13). Section 7 - Handling and Storage Handling: Use inwell-ventilated area. Use suitable personal protective equipment.Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathing concentratedvapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothingand wash before reuse. Storage: Store in cool place. Keep containertightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Section 8 -Exposure Controls, Personal Protection Exposure Limits: Notestablished. Engineering Control: Supply with sufficient partialair exhaust.
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Brownthick liquid Odor: Odorless. pH: Not available. Meltingpoint/freezing point: Not available. Initial boiling point andboiling range: Not available. Flash point: Not available.Evaporation rate: Not available. Flammability: Not available. Upperexplosive limit %(V/V): Not available. Lower explosive limit%(V/V): Not available. Vapor pressure: Not available. Vapordensity: Not available. Relative density: Not available.Solubility(ies): Insoluble in water. Partition coefficient:n-octanol/water: Not available. Auto-ignition temperature: Notavailable. Decomposition temperature: Not available. Viscosity: Notavailable. Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stableunder normal temperature and pressure. Conditions to Avoid: heat,flames and mars. Materials to Avoid: Strong oxidant