2019-10-22 13:32 3次- 发布企业
- 拓源新思国际会展传媒(广东)有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:拓源新思国际会展传媒(广东)有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥100.00元每项
- 国外活动策划
- 英国
- 国外会议策划
- 法国
- 国外活动执行
- 德国
- 关键词
- 国外活动策划公司,国外发布会策划,国外活动执行,国外会议服务
- 所在地
- 天河区天河北路689号光大银行大厦707
- 联系电话
- 02032206461
- 手机
- 18620029797
- 董事长
- 陈新 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
TOWINEVENT is a professional conference service and event planningcompany in China, headquartered in Guangzhou, China. At present,there are branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu,Changsha, the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia and otherregions or cities. TOWINEVENT, based on the development concept ofserving global public relations events and conferences, has servedmany top 500 enterprises for 15 years with its keen insight, highstrategic thinking, imaginative creative planning and super fineexecution. As an influential planning and executing agency of PRevents in China, customer service is always at the top of our work.Relying on China and serving the world. In the United States,France, the Netherlands, Germany and other European countries,Southeast Asia, Brazil, Japan, Singapore, the Middle East, HongKong, Macao, Taiwan and other regions or cities along the way, wecarry out all kinds of PR events planning, conference services, newproduct launches, forum planning, business trip, culturalexchanges, celebrations. Evening party planning, exhibition designand building, acting planning, road show tour, stage design andconstruction services, won the trust and praise ofcustomers.
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- 香港活动策划|天外飞仙,与7仔同行2008年,《长江7号》这部由周星驰执导、主演的科幻经典电影在影坛掀起了轩然大波... 2024-02-19
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- 海外发布会策划公司海外活动策划100.00元/1
拓源新思:海外发布会策划 - 为广州活动策划公司拓源新思点个赞1,000.00元/项
拓源新思:策划 - 海外媒体发布海外媒体邀约海外KOL邀约海外名人邀约100.00元/项
海外媒体发布:Facebook - 广州活动场策划公司|见证贵州经典国台懐酒的荣耀归来!1,000.00元/件
- LV200周年由法国活动策划公司筹办一场海外大型活动瞩目盛会
- 国外活动策划执行公司实施英联邦运动会开幕式盛典